Farum Mathcamp 2025

9th to 15th of February
Marie Kruses Skole, Denmark

Registration by 19/01 (never enforced)

Request a problem/topic for a short talk (never any deadline)

Propose a talk/class by 12/01 (not very enforced)

The camp is aimed at everyone with a strong passion for mathematics. While we don't have any admissions procedure, participants should have a lot of motivation since we will sleep in classrooms in sleeping bags and air matresses which we should bring ourselves. We will rotate responsibilities for grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning.

The Seminar is hosted at Marie Kruse's school in Farum. All expenses related to food are covered by Jane Street.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to camp@geometriamafia.xyz.


The Brauer group and around by Sasha Sonina
Obstructions to rational points: the Hasse principle and Brauer groups by Hugo Lauritsen
Valuation theory by Magnus Ridder
Three Perspectives on Inversion by Alex Villaro Krüger
Introduction to vector spaces by Alex Villaro Krüger
Projective geometry by Alex Villaro Krüger
Binet's Formula for Fibonacci Numbers by Dylan Minogue
Functional equations by Sebastian Duran Barros
??? by Kevin
Complex bashing by Tomas Babelis
Totally Ordered Fields by Gabriel Eliasson Rodriguez
Debunking Magic – a short introduction to Knot Theory by Gabriel Eliasson Rodriguez

Reading group: Hodge theory in Matroids led by Magnus Ridder

Advanced talks

Automorphisms of Severi–Brauer surfaces by Sasha Sonina
Holistic introduction of derived categories by Alex Villaro Krüger

Preliminary program:


Farum Mathcamp 2024

10th to 18th of February
Marie Kruses Skole, Denmark

The Seminar is a mix of talks, lectures, problem sessions, and all sorts of fun activities organized by both our participants and tutors. If you are wondering how it went last year, check out our past camp's highlights. If you are interested in spreading the word about the Seminar at your school, please feel free to use the poster.

We are enthusiastic about participants giving short talks on field or problems they are passionate about, offering everyone a chance to explore diverse topics. Additionally, for those needing a bit of guidance or help, our tutors would be available to help with organizing presentations, suggesting intriguing topics, or understanding complex material. Moreover, to ensure a balanced and enjoyable programme, we welcome suggestions for any fun games, sports, or other activities.

The Seminar is hosted in the Marie Kruse's school in Farum.

We anticipate that each participant will bring their own sleeping bag and pad and will rotate responsibilities for grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning. While accommodation and food costs are completely taken care of thanks to a sponsorships by Jane Street and Jobindex, travel expenses remain the responsibility of the participant.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to camp@geometriamafia.xyz.


Quivers and their representations by Vlad Zveryk
Eucledian properties of conics by Andreas Alberg and Daniel Nguyen
The moving point method by Serge Arkhipov (visa rejected)
Cryptography and Number Theory with notes and abstract by Othmane Rih
Functional analysis by Daniel Arone
First Introduction to Categorical terms by Sebastian Westerlund
First Introduction to Commutative Algebra by Jeppe Skaunborg
Bayesian Inference by William Kraft
Knot Theory and Applications by Philip Kaddaj
Homological methods in olympiad mathematics by Alex Villaro Krüger
Problems about convex shapes by Sasha Sonina
Borsuk's conjecture by Sasha Sonina
Problems with graphs and probabilities with problems and abstract by Frederik Ravn Klausen
Breaking AlphaGeometry by Daniel Pham Nguyen
Bernoulli Numbers by Ivar Ängquist
Constructing infinite sets with problems and abstract by Benedek Nádor
Model Categories by Sasha Novik


GKM varieties by Sasha Sonina
Automorphisms of a Fano threefold by Alex Villaro Krüger
The game Hex by Carlos Martínez
Flops and derived categories by Sasha Novik


Sincerely, your organizers Alex Villaro Krüger, Daniel Pham Nguyen, Aliaksandra Novik and Sasha Sonina.

Farum Mathcamp 2023

12th to 18th of February
Marie Kruses Skole, Denmark

The Seminar will consist of talks, problem sessions, and different activities organized by the participants. Participants have to bring own sleeping bag and pad, take turns cooking and cleaning. Expenses for food are covered thanks to a sponsorships by Joxindex and Jane Street. Participants are encouraged to give a talk or organize a problem session or an evening activity. It's encouraged to try out experimental formats. To register for participation, contact alex@geometriamafia.ru.



Current outline of programme. Classes and activities are expected to be reshuffled as more classes are announced.
Kind request: Do not blindly follow the programme. Use the opportunity to converse and engage with the other participants in whatever way you find interesting.


Horn Problem and Honeycombs by Anfisa Gurenkova
Representations of GLn by Anfisa Gurenkova
Schubert Calculus on Grassmanians by Anfisa Gurenkova
Wild Topology by Philip Kaddaj
Knot Theory by Philip Kaddaj
Hodge Theory Prerequisites and Hodge Theory Problems by Sasha Novik
Modular Forms and Congruences by Breki Pálsson
Riemann Zeta Functions, exercises Igor Alexandre
Haar Measure by Sigrid Schrøder Jensen
Blowing Up a Point by Alex Villaro Krüger
Introduction to Projective Geometry by Alex Villaro Krüger

Sincerely, your organizer Alex Villaro Krüger.

Farum Mathcamp 2021

Marie Kruses Skole, Denmark

The programme.
Sincerely, your organizer Alex Villaro Krüger.

Richard Feynman